Scratch Card - Movement


Activity Checklist

  • As your monster will be made up of lots of sprites you will need to make sure that all sprites move together at once. Rather than adding move commands to all your sprites you can simply attach your controls to your body sprite and use broadcast to control any other sprite. When our Tentacle sprite (or any other sprite for that matter!) receives a moved right broadcast, we can move it to the right too.

    // on Ghost Body
    when [right arrow v] key pressed
        change x by (moveSpeed)
        broadcast [moved right v]
    when [left arrow v] key pressed
        change x by ((moveSpeed) * (-1))
        broadcast [moved left v]
    // on Tentacle
    when I receive [moved right v]
        change x by (moveSpeed)
    when I receive [moved left v]
        change x by ((moveSpeed) * (-1))
  • Using broadcast also means if we want to change the way our movement commands work, we only have to change one set of scripts. Have a look at this example:

    // on Ghost Body
    when [right arrow v] key pressed
        change x by (moveSpeed)
        point in direction (90 v)
        if on edge, bounce
        if (not (touching [edge v]?))
            broadcast [moved right v]
            broadcast [moved v]
    when [left arrow v] key pressed
        change x by ((moveSpeed) * (-1))
        point in direction (-90 v)
        if on edge, bounce
        if (not (touching [edge v]?))
            broadcast [moved left v]
            broadcast [moved v]
  • Here we’re telling the body to face the direction it is moving (make sure your sprite orientation is set to “only face left-right”) and to stop and turn around if it collides with the edge of our screen. You will have also noticed that we have wrapped our broadcast in an if block, we only want the other body parts to move if the body isn’t on the edge of the screen. If you decide to add any animation to the movement, make sure that any associated movements take just as long. i.e. if moving a leg to the left takes 1 second due to an animation, all other left movements must take 1 second too (use a wait block to make sure they’re all in step).
  • You can also animate your body sprite using costume changes, by triggering the change every time a movement broadcast is received.

    when I receive [moved right v]
        next costume